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What is it like to have counselling?

If it’s going well, neither of us will be thinking about “technique.” A good session feels like a deep conversation, in which you’re invited to talk fully about what matters to you. As in a good conversation, you are listened to carefully in what you say, and what you don’t say, and are given feedback and suggestions to reframe thinking or learn new skills.
In any therapy, you have the right to expect compassion and respect. You have the right to expect a venue in which you can safely say anything and experience any emotion. Your responsibility is to yourself and your desire for something better. The change that therapy brings about can sometimes be painful, but will ultimately help you to be more fulfilled and content as a person.

What are your qualifications?

Vickie Kampe is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with BCACC. She completed a Bachelors of Arts Degree (Psych. Maj.) with distinction, and a Masters of Education Counselling Psychology Degree at the University of Victoria. She has over 25 years experience facilitating therapy groups, counselling individuals and families in the areas of personal growth, addictions, family counselling, domestic violence, depression and anxiety.

What is confidentiality?

Counsellors are ethically and legally constrained not even to acknowledge that you are a client unless you give written permission. You may say anything, with confidence that it will not be repeated, EXCEPT that the law requires the following potential dangers to be reported to appropriate authorities:
Suspected child abuse or dependant adult or elder abuse is required to be reported immediately.
If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person OR if a client intends to harm themselves, every effort will be made to ensure safety. However, if an individual does not cooperate, additional measures may need to be taken.
If a Court of Law subpoenaed a client file, it is a legal responsibility of the therapist to release the file.

In a given situation, where these limitations to your confidentiality apply, you will be informed and involved in the process of sharing your information.
If you have additional questions that are not covered feel free to call or send an email.

Is this covered by MSP or my Extended Health Benefits?

Clinical counselling is not covered by British Columbia Medical Service Plan. You do not need a referral from a doctor. 


If you have extended health benefits, usually there is coverage for Registered Clinical Counsellors. Please call your provider ahead of your appointment to confirm the coverage. After your session, you will receive an electronic receipt which you submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. 

©2021 by Vickie Kampe Registered Clinical Counsellor. 

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